SATURDAY, NOV. 3, 1877. WAR NEWS 110MEARDNZNT OF PLIVAA. The special Correspondent of Tka Times, writing from before Nevus, Oct. In, Ever since yesterday morning at 'even lionitardment al Plerna has been proceeding.
and up to the present the 'Turkish batteries have nor replied. It was at first thought the enemy had abandoned the plane, hut whenever or itolUuuniatta at- empted oar ince across the open apace, a terrible ripe tire drove them back oquiln. The scene when the firing is, heavy I. gland, hundreds shells burst tog in the midst of the great fort with admir.thle predates bat for what reason the inmates remain se stolidly silent, unless there is no ammunition. is a grim conundrum which we are never tired of attempting.
That there are, at any rate, ions inmates we know, for every now and then we we men enter or leave the fort. "This Division is the nearest to the Turks, hut it would astonish those who have never had ezoerleuoe of war to see the leisurely way In which the adldiers saunter about right up to the first trench line, smoking their pipes, collecUog firewood, or geeing Willy at the gunners at their work. "If the troth's told, bombardments on ever grand a scale are sorry entertainments, which, but he their ire. remits, nii4lit alost oted tedious. One panics hour att a hour on tire hilds ide marking where the white putfeand distant 'Maiming show that have hit.
Longing for something to happen, we tarn our eyes from battery to battery around the vast semi-circle. from that distant point amid the green hills on our richt, beyond graritza, where the Roumanians draw the 'Turkish rtile fire upon them to these distant, intermittent puffs of white nu our other bend, where the left wing of We Busdans have their batteries. We stroll up to the of this little hill, leaving the tureen quietly grating en the slope, and from that vantage ant we look down upon the luiperna Guards but although we try to conjure up tembe pletnres of ferocious blood. hounds held hi impatient leash, the prosaic testily dissipates the poetical Image. Tim Impends tluards are ea calm as the stragglers aini ringigesi is Ws meet ordinary of initiations.
tote man, the nearest to ILIA, is seated on the grotin.l, metalling his pipe with great CAlllustlter.O. There Over there are evidently hindering one for two are laughing very much. and the third hi in an attitude as if demanding wale apology, is hi di increases the nterrd merit of his A little further downs a group of men is funnies a little roast. awl, I regret to say, are one the fire gels heavier sod the distant re lief rifle Is beard. Through ottr 0.104 we see some Rounidnifula leap over thelr rampartll and inn acres a a id ft skirmishing ovier.
We menet see whet the cau a se nd but roan after ni.u. aud the reel soon run back pimp into the comparative safety el the treneh. This military movement la lanwitarly called feeling' your enemy. "The end must lie at hand The of anininnittea which go up to the front ore astounding. List night met of .21.000 roands tor cannon, anti that was merely sans coosignment." A telegram from lEnrutdere to the Goioa alleges that a Turkish flag of trace appeared in the Rusalso camp on the 2.5 th to treat tr the surrender of Kars, but there is no nuifirmation of this from this from any other quarter.
and at Constantinople the place is declared to be welt victualled. A telegram from Vienna says that the statement which appeared In several newspapers that Prince Gortschakod bad addressed a letter to M. P. d'Ouuril, the Russian Ambassador here, to the effect that the Emperor AilAilllder was rewired to continue the war until the cooditiou oi the Christiana in Bosnia, Herzegovina. and Bulgaria Was definitely settled, is declared to be incorrect.
A despatch from Constantinople. dated 3uudey afternoon, says The rumour which has been circulated iu several jaurnals that direct negotiations for the conclusion of peace have been opened between 'Turkey and is devoid 44 foundation. The report that England, Yranc and Austria hive almost arrived Mau understanding wake proposals for peace is also A Deity News telegram from Vienna under date Sunday says that are current here toolight that the Csar has now melted at Poradin, but that be in Impreond beyond measure by the death of Prince riergius of Leneliteuberg in ledge, so isupreased indeed as to came his physicians sewn alarm." A considerable number of Belgian mechanics lately started for lloinnania to assist in constructing barracks for the hesdans, but many turned hack on hauling reports lubleransuy of the epedemiti prevailling MLitt seat of wer. Special Correspondent of The Times, writinr from Bucharest on October 25 says The Orand Duke serums of leuchieuhent, third son of the late Oraud Duchess Ylarie, sister of the present Emperor, was shot in the fm nhead yeseerslay while making a reconnaissance in the vicihits of Itustehlia. At nun time he held the command of the perur's squadron of the.
Imperial Horse Guards. and when the present war was declared, be obtained a command as voinuteer. At the moment of his death he wan serving in the capacity of simplesithuer ht toe anus, and thus edide doing his duty, fell one of the nest beloved of the Itussian imperial A ssoc' 1:10.8 eliciting to the Dines death, pante out that all the members 441 the Imperial Family have distinguished themselves face tin race with enemy, each tint proofs of devotion to their country th sad bong the tint to esposo their Uses tuedsr tics. HYDROPHOBIA. Richard Cheshire, clerk at Ruston Station, London, living at Watford, was attacked on the St.
Albans road by a mad dog a month since. To preventitsehing his throat he grappled with it, and a struggle ensued. After biting his hand in a fearful manner, the animal ran away. Cheshire let no time in obtaining medical assistance, and afterwards attended one of the London hospitalii, where the procesn of cauterizati of the wounded part. was renewed and perfected.
The wounds healed healthily, and a favoura ble result win hoped for, when Cheshire became unwell. unhappily, his indisposition increseed, and early lint week the poor fellow suffered from more than one preliminary attack, which led to the gr ivest apprehensions on the part of his medical attendants. On Saturday morning Cheshire seems to have felt a paroxysm coming on, and jumping out of bed I.e threw himself upon his knees, and WM in the act of offering prayer for prenervatiou horn oanine madness, when suddenly he began to bark like a dog and exhibit other dreadful symptoms of this fatal malady. The attack continued with great virulence for several hours, and as the sun went down the poor fellow ceased to exist. Cheshire, although of respectable family, was employed only in a bumble capacity at Camden-town, where his salary was small.
lie has left a widow and three young children, for whom much commiseration has been expressed, and both the vicar of Bushey and Mr. Robert a member of the Board of Guardians for the district, have consented to administer fir the beneit of the bereaved family any funds which the liberality of the charitably disposed public may place at their disposal. The Times of Weduesiley gives the following, from their flivicial Correspondent, uuder date, 4.k.t. 2.5 1 semi few inure details, learnt front eye-witnesses, of the bottle un the Et Ito noel. The Mile lion tr note, actually taking lent in the eng teement were from 0 to men, chiefly of the following regiments of the Imperial finards Jager', the Semeuidskis, lamMirdakis, anti fftrelkis.
They started from camp between 11 and 12 at "night, and the first hitch occurred no the troops reaching the banks of little river which it hail been believed was merely aukle.deep; but tt turf ice of the water proved to be up to the men's arnipita. here some grumbling on the part of several of the ire -h troops was at stopped by their officers wading tin first, and cheerily canine upon their men to follow. thie hot the tact to How cheerfully you would go through this if the Turks were after you, isn'why do yuu hesitate nen you are going after hens After a long and tiring march In the bitter cold, the enemy WAS encounderea, hare ched behind earthwork, in front of three uf whic in any infinntuita could not agree upon the en. I will roll them 13, and of which the centre one (b)Wal near the highroad to Sofia, A ou the left, guile on the right. Ihe lagers went tirst WO action, and from tint to but wore heavily than tine rest.
their total loss being one coionel killed, one wounded severely, and no fewer than 23 and 1,333 of the rank anti file dead, womideri, slid nowiiit. The battle shoat eight in she morning. anal lasted till sit at the Ruilintlis were to lonAreetuo of the village and in time a position before A and that Bleat two i by ha An inquest has just been held at the West Herta time he in their band. Thin Tun Ls fought splendidly, Infirmary, Hensel Hempstead, before Mr. H.
Day, but have had, at least, killed, issides the wounded, coroner, as to the death of a boy nine years ofage, and some 4,0 1 0 taken pri-ort. rs. Prodigies tit valour named Richard Turney, of Aston, near Triug. The were also wniught by who were twice deetioned was bitten under the chin by a mad dog on driven hick in desperate attentat to storm the Turkish positious, anti may s.leretoled on the third August 18. The wound was imuterized on the follow.
and tinal effort at a frightint lss. My itiforeosote ing day by Dr. Pope, and no ill effect was observed a nd the Turks of twice boding out white gags of truce, till the 17th i ns the deceased of and when theattacklug party lost inter, believing that the enemy feeling cold and hirsty. The following morning he hail laid down Wa anus, they were received al.h a felt pain where the dog bad bitten him. Dr.
rope nendertnis lire that at wee at erwehle impossible for the prescribed for him, and afterwartls advised his removal totems to hold hack their men, mini, conscouently, the TurZ although fighting tine VrAAStr part of the daylyothefTurks. Irons WI. to the shrive infirmary, where he died from symptoms earthworks, Mat more its Itillel then the inissimm, who of hydrophobia. A verdict was returned that the dewere the assailants and had all the dissovautagts of tights named died from hydroph obia. tug in the open.
The earthworks lit front of Ft were on a steep hill, which took the breath out of the RolwifAUS before they could get In London, on Monaay, Dr. Hardwithe held an within rifle rouge of tie cucmy. This positlou, according Inquest at the Carlton Tavern." Kentish-town, oc to the most intelligent of ran tuformaide WIWS ultimately time body of Elizabeth Rothwell Doyen, aged 3d, the turn int a lik attas as, 1 suppose, shoutd wife of an actor. Mr. Frederick Deivell, the husband of have ed been from Ma the Met.
This desperate it attempt deceased, said that up to Sunday week he considered to hermetically seid up Kerne points rather to a re- his wife in good health. He went out and a suction of the place by hunger than by storm. It appears, indeed, that the possession of the gotta roil coninktra the fe nays arterthe received a letter in which she cominvestment lit the doomed tose, and it the turtle do not Plaine of a Pricking sensation in her right arm, in break out before the positious are secured, the thumb of which ehe had been bitten by a pet dm; the eta canted he far off, fit large army, as we see here, while caessiit on the I.fith of September last. On an ennetione nitari or sup ilty of plies." arriving irn town on the Wednesday evening following he found her in bed, sensible, but speechless and THE 61tAsilTIA Rr.letUßT. very ill.
As he advanced towards her to take her by A Military corn.sp.....lent lit The Times, writing from the hand she waved him back. lie was then informed l'oradiui olliCtf. 22. says i that she had had two tloctors to ace her, and that they "The capture of the in coed Gravitza redoubt by the Ron- 1 ad pronounced her to be iogering from bit lee. tut the itidi iott aunt Ka recapture by the Torts 'rum the bite of a nog.
v. hen the dog bit her thumb abler MAY tweety rte tenure Art rd some most Warne- 1 the w.und wait washed and cauterized, and it had Ore demons, as to wit air SOU ill ecom for this 1 feetly healed. He considered the dog mad, as it Lad Ware. getter She fire of the beat totbreochloades. Th I bitten the cattand her kitten, and they were both dew eara.t Lame Wee done according rule.
Urged. Ile got the dog into the back yard and des sea had lam tai shah, krty pacea, the attack. I it. Dr Arthur liar ner stated that lie 4 1.44t44i4" i 4' i tmlet thie Um 21et of Oetober and( I njA Mai rinat oil le sePpdvvite' wili, three nows. of.
tin op' i. niuct-all the in intervenes state and wet informed sheet. her ha; hug the captured place ceuli In (eh to nnianians been bitten by a dog. Ors the -following day ishe 1. 6., it ro 441 ht 1 fel 'u intie i rllte.
wa ettttttst two faces where a passible row iihe bo exam i the, case, Mid itpi e4 th wick reight come, had errauge.l three sneuessive tters et Me tire pa eet' theothet: ettebitisrtheto to brtng usual teeth and bad. no MAMA but, Ana was suffering ellt nt oo sheet' per tuttfutento best' upon the point i from hydrelphdbia She goVgadatsny. worm, and oa nevertheless, the place was to et the Tomday at two oat, whim lie galled, he courre. found slammed ia a state of col lepea. Me Uhl maths patana.sre-stiWteenthietts to linwasapsee the eottatlie examination, anti 4 symptoms Avers attack WASCOSAS WWI.
YroniaW3 the of 'lie redOabt thou, of the malady rderted 1 4, heen, en pan pysely el levelled sud reil, vw da ii a a tba oraad 4104 iti tor the immediate il pliny ment of a' arfe hod, of the Tuttheiliest got the Arse esizgreser iu Russia pp ssid ed Ulm rebel dog. ntusiow i stir tol WI IAM the? Sr. Or '44414 "ii ,2 1. Il -IDrifi. to.
The .411114" 3 legth a to tram West Mailing, fl at al otkr ..1 :7110,10, 7 efary ee 4 'weitit 6 i day, ()eviller 94, was mai for -bympaesiaseat to 4 0 0 ill AP) Min 'Nig 0: n' et 'weak of I 4ad, aged 17, a flan AO be matting t4.40.11F00104 1 10 4 1. 4 44 1 i 1 4 1 4 4 sal' 'ltem tevere lrfraPi of a obits. My assistant' muse 104 10 40 7. 4 1- it in u- Mori men tor the Met time few home pra tisaileof the liirks.7 9- oluv rst. .7 2 4 Muth.
anti symptoms bad existed frogs i esi.v,,endtevis o4 wn 4 4.1 bef ore, ni TM pervixysins of aids rut mintike, lighting is btAtl uce' exceerlingl severe, with total tuability to chaates.lanualia•l4,lol if tiebub, race, hda. "lan wera ha ftr li qu Lcaes on lad, a tine mason to kegrund.ol,4i, you ig Aey have Weed, 1 eWatiost ei so has they base aaig hanaerskig, ft gas Mimes strew teliow, Mruggiod well with the lit had to Ma. oecaeional wanderiag delirium, but gave. ratiotal 5 is Qwtaitaa. slit he a greater est- quick answers to questions The fatally weer auwi.a.
the lurks "rimer ova tunas tvz two i watri vi sit The dug by sabicla Like b'ny the. burial WI. ardor tu diva in t4cra. ae. bitten one month 4wevituuly exhib i 44 present 4, 'vet, wislek oiab with the the hire.
he bite wa on the pemt ita i ulnae sine se "Wan 0 ww The Ronginagielawsredu 4AWfoWt 0,5.1.110 551, SWAIM- slak es of elsethumb mad the palm of the illetuite ietirwcapiesi mot every wan Wei meat rep in a WASWAy Wet ea 14144.1re5h; bat, ii Lotooti Vl. L. Donaldson titre tire lacewings tor the Molt vigormaily Oen erVer. 14 essiwit kr denied, horever, li ad inquest et the "Fiefl4berty Burdett' Odell it a tsstser in Slid try of tan Mile-end, 'its to the death Of Frederick Atititi lie at ewastu, Isaaeartasti hamialle et linastsvell. bard, aped II years, enti of a cooper.
About two illy goerrespects the Win gitlwarreaars faeottirably. ill tniwithaelnim the deceased was 'bitten in the face by a It trltirtOletPi'd bilf" of all the wound Sennrised. lie meuied will 'idel i t. Of ice off the Water ftt the stetwodg. Welk ham6- 'up to the' et whempleined headeche tadhfreVatt.
Ttle ostla are fa attelkut order, arrea and becethe eorProlsed at thy 'eight td kola a ,111 t4, 4a VI (ptio.hhbesnetn.".l•lofrittvidieldisr*.. ro rdie leat dli kn ect so 'ia'txtent that it required forth pereoroti hith. trdni a good volution for luttesalue edottfyi Dr. Iterrison, of eoutasroad, rose called in, tint the Wollerat' bell OM initr4lYOPelf. Vfecealted 'foamed at the mouth aM died en the Bath do 0 bits 'flle Maly both provisions.
and death 'being ter the him of a sloe. tkeit it; lb, ere tor lie str aw died. trout moleste tbe vows nest cash lb 11,11 tr le 11017 tonntsr. is small present at the tropiiry lio rested with the ki moo Yet 14 1 thee ale etotses--neelect rf the authoritiee with view topreveat clop Isom lead JO the early 'OOO of Ream. list Ibis A wandering thlough the dreets.
kip. t. vs rd tar'oed, Tor tte defender od thaw. 1 sew outtidn the works stewed of outdo. 1t le Ihe eu ill to lee whetber 'Ma Tyson will be sauslly, 6, 04 4 to AR 'A 6 AIM 'bow tor 'at esetwoata.
tifb 4.6011 i flusfy-three year, remarkable publishj i paper which end neat French 'Medea of Pari He had been lilt lifter death lancet cut eexed 'lnadvertenly wiped beetn with the body. be id 'peculiar stispeeting the canoe, tent at all eve nts l. ined' and indicit' Mel) detailed. contirrned to follow 'as bei could, sad antl than feel- inevitable. A to tweet death is Death by auffocp.
be inkaitelg hydrephotda; and having 'Mitered a taponr le die in it. The moat perspireaius. the egraptotos. of lll i ePt pro use this of cause he to reflect $4070111111 bo hydrophobia was ciimmbn to tistat ntale only de sot Persidre. He notices alio tbasthe vet of tie Ha peasantry against the fatal effects of of the was a village dame, ii which the etha was ached to she oir lIINCUE TII3 sueigANg.
(liemlap WM. ial Dispatch). Oct. P. Vgititkig'the of the GUST I.
MOW the colaiwilka 4 ,,.14 fAT ilteattg, two ntfikl the fbrielsh poettion on the teta4, and ousood urfAU the el ncitit forbidden reds gone. Afterlife ho die etTeliebe, aonsistinice a ans, ender die coallllloll6 laws Ismail Chad and surremiere or it yr 8 0 0 ec imicall in making thOF. egoompo. The tile temoli ChakT reenn mod U. ut tu the ocenteecnjj huktell4he piet lit.
The Turkish ge urPti 4, to Palmai. The troPs It Wile best tb la i i mu t' 04 'fetich 6 tlIGh rfpnt lecogd ill tent ludebleY reel 0 kturl. it front th woad gamut 0,1 1 4. it brtgads bf mi is; tn. ens mall titled Thu velment ablaslied Lie gieskyi ingentry bag 04 uttlutzq et i tbelitt figki IISNI Ulikr.valer iumil4 tuA it ti, 4W.
are asztaudy Otvattio 41641 1 4 ksixtiok.) Si. Psiiiitatobe Oat, i onV lcist to the ettlimpioent ht Win, lhihitik Ina. tho Men killed tontlecitinted. in. Oldham aii pretqat 4 4Trtainekl.
.4 of ii 017 tnere ailon. Major 41. nerd itaeonSeddelser war Mrs staii 4 ll4l tur gains' woe trues Ow Slte troers entailed in the battle assii.l4 o4. 1111 Smoinsents. the Choments.
Soli sad ii. tiveniotiert of Guard, itnil flap IMF at Asiallery A Rusaian dated de, Ow 7S The tr ,1, 4 14 are eatheslastie at itleatk. true We General to Private, miasmal rotcdy, 4our Imes are stmt and wooded s4llo the Tarimemaeraittug almost tar the mare sasaber. laghty Isaiah a Aag, law 6um arere capta rei. t'RE EAST KENT.
FAVERSHAM. AND SITTINGBOURNE GAZETTE bahly minim, for this canine quarantine. If hydrophobia continues to increase as It has done of late. the conuneuity will be driven in self-defence to take some active awl a law tusking is compulsory that every dog i the land sh mid he kept In a state of Isolation for dm spac half a year. however inconvenient, would set be considered un- A correspondent, in view of the apparent prevalence of hydn phobia, suggests that every person keeping a dog should be compelled to wake that wear a airs muzzle coveting the entire nose and mouth in such a manner that, although the dog can at all times readily open the month and lap water, yet his biting would be impossible; further, that every dog found at large in the public without such muzzle, should be instantly seized and killed by the without word or question.
The writer argues that if dogs were, by th. plan he suggests, prevented trim biting each other, it is provible that tbedisease might ultimately be trameOwl nut. At the last meeting of the Liverpool Town Council for the niuucipal year a memorial from a large number of birdies! men and others was read, calling attention to recent ca-es of hydrophobia in the borough and to the large number of stray dogs iu the street, and requesting Weirs to be taken to prevent further ninwhief. In the discussion which followed, special reference was made to the reuent death of I.lverpool College boy from being bitten by dog chid'. is still roaming about It wee decided that the bead corstAble should take the Deceit-wry steps alter consultati with the Alayor sad report to the Watch Cotuniittee.
The number of recent deaths in England from hYdroiholda will make it of interest to notice what the registers of show with reference to this terrible disease (remarks The Times of Wednesday). I lie Registrar-General has issued his report on 1:175, and from it we leira that there were in that year 47 deaths from hydrophobia is land, ...13 of males and 14 of females. The distribution of the her is remarkable. In Lancashire Sore were no leae than 16 deaths by hydrophonir is 17175, in l'orkainre 10, iu Staffordshire 6, and in Lisidon 6, eo that threwforartha of the deaths gemmed Lming lesa than half the a population. Except iu ndon there wax scarcely death from hydrophobia in the southern part of England, and there was none in In the five yeani 1.85044 the number of in England and Ve alea from hylrophubia averaged 0 9 per 1000,000 of population to the next five )ears the average fell to 0 4, awl in the five years 1880.64 it was as low as o'3, and, in fact, the actual number was never high as sin deaths in any of the eight years 185643.
In the five years the average again reached 01 wr 1.000,000; in the five years 1870-74, 16 and 1875 it was 2'o per 1 1 000,000. The mtual number first exceeded 30 in 1866, end the to at two years never exceeded 10; but in 1809 it rise to 18, iu 1870 a 32, in 1871 to 56, in 1872 it was 39, in 11573 it was 28, in 174 it leaped up to 61e which was its I maximitai, and it was 47 is 1875. So recently as in 11' 4 4 there was but one death from hydrophobia in all England and Wales. QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY, The report of the governors of Queen Anne's Bounty for 1876 states that the gifts by benefactors, both pnram and public, towards the improvement of poor benefices hare but diminished. During the year 114 grants were made as oeurpared with 101 in 116'5.
The arcoun's show that the iiICOEDO for the year was £146,9:4 Os. iaL and the disbumments £119,806 ss. 9.1 The balance-sheet on the 314 of December, 1876, showed the assets to amount to and the liabilities to £3,749,433 Os. 81., giving a balance is of the corporation of £18,541 9s. 4d.
EPITOME OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN. At Monday 'a meeting of the Town Connell a uylaw was adoo.ed requiring bells to be at-Lobed to bicycles. At a banquet in New York the Rnasian 7finiater proposed the fodowtug toast I drink the lieaittt 1 one of the co-ordinate, and certainly one of the powerful, members of the Ameriean Fount seas the women of The well-known "Piping Bullfinch" which was shown at the London ishibitiuu of lefid has at last found a home In Francisco. The demolition of the wreck of the Forest was completed on Tuesday morning. Exactly seven weeks have elapsed since the colltshm which rendered these operations necessary.
The work has been accuniplished by camels, islet, It and has curt the trinity llouse about, thousand pounds. Gamitetta, armour stater, Ism just come in for a legacy of one million sterling road. An American engineer and captain at Constantinople hare propoettd the construdion of a beige over the liosphorus, between l'era and Scutari, 6,00011. in length. it would have awn serve both as railway aud of a road.
They estimate the cost Gems to the cheapuess Wixom at Constantinople, at Cs' sin in the South of England. and probably gull not be gorthmirds until Jar nary. lientais lebertinto are Oki! thew. the cameo rae The Aatronomrr Roval reports that this of registered in konednn tad week nosing hours, the being shore the horions during 707 hours. ThOollawooloil an niece of the Ernpre-s of Annuls.
was quite recently marled to Count Latish. at the imperial at tioednell.c. The Empress w.e, silb4Ualletairtut and WigUst rreent not, ore was Pi bet seen who did nut sea. Mr own hair only, aftinged fn tllilllainest fashhion. and, moreover, woe 6,104 piewor wore taath to tuag Orme.
JOIOrMOL yf the lighthon harpers named 110 the Liefithudst; West OP Ulittla Bnd. ras washed off I iselleck.on 11l 101 rah and dflm umt News was only aseertaine Itieetay airthiP Meals 'seethe" hiss ipreesitest ww with the tloollseed man and unmarried. There are 1107( Iwo lighthow.e kiepers left on the halitboteeei Igleftrallan Cana Germany hie anaemia ta such an extent as to alarm the tlowerumegt. thorefore, have been glees thorn at the of the preselit ments the and Meiners WOW anis stetinera or efoioeauee soma WWI- be allowed ow ter a In ed the waiellettruuw, dt the Osmium The committee of the Itianklawn manufacturers and en tbawiellun hoe a meeting of their mete hers to take thin cdosideration the peepriety of reducing the operative epitomes wage, 10 per UM. and those of weasels per TI a AfeWiation have arrangeatotiold cosifeareo ei eon semen from id dr country in klanciaespr gait the prse 0 adoptios some geacrat matins of restricting the tptit of by total etheatloa mantle or, eoeee re'toeteie, the einjelrVitelut not way to preyent further.
ifedttetloith is Imes. but to sobs the'st tmWit of millers Asi all pe4l 4 Wee 0440 04 1- A. se of alma 1004 hate has leealsoarranged, at all of Mataineddi P.e., is to deliver Giatalltaka SiaPnVial hove Paul Sridids, of btu JIMA met his death under file eirenrintiWees. bout three wit limit, idelniesi lislopholeY Lauer, he r. ceivtd a slight bite in the amt.
Heat first neglected the wound, and gangrene INA 41 a few days leuit and carried him if attar greet aagering. there were four aplendid days' sport last weop the Staliarkfah's. "114th oar gals on the Mt two days, siid three only she other tete, It al OHS efeiouiltud tu no less thaw 1,950 held of The Sheffieb Telegraph states that im a 4 the hrikbetnalds at marriage fthe of Ned." pripyriWO, a a udit breoslet, studdisisilith yearts: rhe crystal centre beset badeorrram ia of. the isidee mama. ilota." surmounted be Use ducal coronet.
tt sii.stateltittelitmeeteit Involution in ladies' deem, et-at leriet me which it is compered, now ligltedtog dye tasin ekttlnanin-Furnesa. A local firm el aims to eve discoVerteit thn Art bt Opirehsg fabric combining the gloss and fineness of silk with item of Vol, and rapetwe 4 tailing the most elarote lu order nitiniff totabetter the new 44.181/ ttelsl44. WI 0, preparatiou for day Its January next when loo' pistrietism counts up delitOtetteretion df the newang of the Ise, se ter alsottroser of the world lastiou. it lw seml4lldallyenamanded Moat relive Gertlaeluv; kett alsdallanielfoinlid ens al Uncheirsst a rudiments of Constitution (Kra en pos aristocratic oceosidtiyatioA Jrallft lwaal ripe. sad llotieetieut) bee just mintaellisod 711,40 'foe Turkey, 4o.acqgo for Russia, and have lees makes" for Italy.
looks M. eallaa the poom claws of WilibeAtees, in -lisleotta ha preterit war, limbers of Welt Wing ern WIN me another hate formed them segmento the tsmottlink ulagrar 011: 1 0, 0 qpithwtorOts rombers tri: thy, wane where the poor said t)44 403 4 4114 4 A.P0411 444 8 4 KaCWlrsitill. giatervatt of a farmer named Wades, lives bear prurr, In the county of Limetrisk, less ow 'Waldo OP her empiwr's son, ltutittt 'Patrick. Idiot sheet eistann Tsars age. A gnu bad been left on the dreamer to its kikbee.
and the lad took It wha.Wal dairy. gni died a few off Via 01111. Patrick across the OAK that lokked as 3tp. Ifirtlit. Wynn bas sew Vet and an open vertg reurramt The' poltbs have Malawi the boy Weeim liemliarettitir'Waddr, the for Barnwaawdeaeate Wen day lhe rsnessigliethe.hetigenni ceaddilew of tostia, and said thee' bad wait a nation Skits wens to war to the IMMO St Mild the 114M4 permeated Its own people.
Mr. reviewed the action of she English4kWeressent from the time when the Berlin lleimenioduna whprepeeLawiesid that do crest monk lasek 1 0 14. means of cmanaitting coantry time ntmoat degree, and compelled to dance until be sank exhausted, in profuse perspiration, in which state he wan put to be and after which he recovered. "Something has been said of late in favour of amputation of the limb bitten. in ureferenceto cauterization of the part But, if the virus has once entered the circulation, neither the one nor the other can be of any avail.
If the virus remains adherent to the wound, but outside the circulation, the caustic may destroy it, and so peevent its being taken into the circulation but if it has once entere I it, only a few momenta carry it beyond the limb, and render amputation useless. The only remedy then remaining will be some remedy that can expel it front. or neutralise or destroy it, in the circulation. Are there any such remedies' 1 think there are. I think it may be expelled from the system by means of the vapour bath, or excessive perspiration, however pro duced.
as shown in the CIAO I have referred to. And I think that the virus might be neutralized or destroyed in the circulation by the infusion of ammonia into it through a vein. If ammonia so infused will destroy the virus of the Australian serpent, as Mr. Hoff. ad has shown, it might be equally effective in destroying the virus of the mad dog.
At all events it might be well to try it in some w.ll marked case of hydrophobia and I have a strung impression that it might be effective in destroying the germ of the disease in cases of Incipient small-pox, phind fever, Poesibly some of your readers, who may have the Athenaeum for the period I have indicated, may also have leisure to search its indexes for that period, and may give hto the world through your world-wide circulation, te mariplete narrative, which I can only give upon the faith of Luny years' memory." A correspondent of the Duilp noticieg the above letter from Mr. 'lnvites, sends the following additional information the case, and which, be says. is taken from the Swat Pe4tie of Lyons, is 43 OW, 180 Dr. Baboon claimsto have discovered a remedy for this terrible disease, and to'have applied it with complete In many cams. In attending a female patletif In the 1.4 state of Balm the doctor Imprudently wiped his hands with a handkerchief impregnated with the 'shwa.
I here laiispi ued to he a slight abrasion 011 the index linger al the lett habil. and confident in his own curative quoin, tla docter merely rinsed the port with water. However, he was fully erase of the imprudence he bad committed, and gives the followtheacceuut of the matter afterwards helierbbrie that audibly would wit declare Itself until the day, and Makin out roux patients to visit, I put on the applicatiou ol my remedy, that Is to say, vapour baths. The Muth day, being in any caldron. I felt all at once a pail, in the thr at and a still greater use iu the obeli liy body seemed su light that I felt as if I could pulp to a prodigious height, and if I threw myself out of tie window 1 could sustain Rustle to the air.
Sly hair was so sensitive that I appeared able to count each separately, without looking at it. Salve kept coutinually forming In the mouth. Any FIi.VVIIICUL of air indicted great pale on me, and I was obliged to avoid the eight of objects I had a COlltilllllll desire to run and bite, nut only 1111111.110 brings but and all that was near me. I dank with and 1 remarked that the sight of water di, Curbed rue more than the pain in my threat. I believe that by shutting the eyes any one suffering ntider drophobis can always drink.
Ms came on every lice 1111111lIttd, and i then felt the paiu start from the ludex Hugo and run op the nenais to the 'boulder. In this state. feeling that my course was preservative and not curative. I took a ea our bath, not with the hiteetion of cure, but of suffocating myself. When the bath was at a beat of fit deg s.
etutrigratle (911.35 Fahrenheit: all the symptoms dimppeared as it by magic, and since then I have never telt auythhig more of them. I have attended more than intim persons latteu by lulu! animals, and I have uot lost a 'mete case. When a person has been biUeu by a mail slog he must fur several successive days takes vapour bath a la Hulse, se fit called. This Is the preventive remedy. When the disease la declared it only requires sae vapour bath.
rapidly increased to 1 ceutigrade, then siowly to 63 deg. Tile patient must strictly co" Dr. unne himself to his chamber until taus care is Entsson mentions several other curious facts. An American had been bitten by a rattlesnake, eight leagues away trop home. Wishing to die Ili the Lueom of his frailly be ran the greater part of the way borne, and going to bed, perspired profusely, and the wound healed as any simple cut.
The bite ut the tarantula cured by xertise of dencing, the free perspiration diwipsoing ti th i If a youtig child lie vaccinated sod then be made to take a vapour bath, the does not take." A German Physician" writes to The Timed The following account of the cure of a case et genuine hydrophobia by the eniatration of curare or rental (the Italian will no doubt 'Merest your readers, as it shows that this disease may prove leas fatal than bee hitherto been believed. The Ws of curare has Wen teconantouded by both kimlbh and foreign ploysi- but to. puhlisited aceratut has hitherto we're(' of its succestial administration. The following Is extracted from a treaties by Or. Olfeuburg, who treated the case at Munster.
la Westphalia. thi the Yard of July, t. peasant girl, aged 24, was bitten on the foot by a rabid dog. Several dogs had peen previously inoyed the neighbourhood, and farmer had died of hydrophobia at the addeining farm. The wound became gradually worse, and remised to heal, and she was therefore admitted on the Bth of October to tile Favourable progress was mode during the nest week, but at p.
m. on the 14th the usual symptoms of hydroptobla auddenly appeared. Colivulaire spasm of the throat and chest, contractions of the muscles, restlessness, and mental terror. every tultotte, and were soon followed ny antipathy to light and to water, the sight of which produced violent cnvulsions. Morphia and chloroform having been given without result, a subcutaneous injection of three eentigrammes of curare was made at 10.45p.m.
into the arm, and durine the Deg hours five mote injections were made, the quantity varying from two to three centigrammes. Sifter the second hdecthe spaoms began to diminish anal to appear at longer Intervals NOM the terror and mental satiety were succeeded by loquacious cheerfulmint Al Ltd a in. the first of pandysle oppoantd, and on tan oar Isions a ma, followed. by eotmdete cesmtion of rtorairation, which was quickly, restored by 0 ti.e uteloinvo. The' spasms continued to diniltdsh, While she pm-Myst.
of the muscles increased, and movement and speech latera 'Moneta didteullt Out attar 1.30 am. throe )a utploonit became lass Mustier, sued the patient wan able I. queuil her thirst without pain or results. The fin proVement continued dodos the and Brent werienewo being the triterkell sympbms. On the lath some alleht return of sputa tweinutet the admnlsteatatis of three of curare as a mention of precaution, mid after this the recovery rase! noel and williterruptYd.
On the 24th the jiatietit ate some 'breadline. MILICqud alloyed smog sleep no Oa irttl, tbirl he timidly mid ou the et Pe eemher the lifyulotyAutitp4 tou4loldtely heated. thf 4sllrit .1 to her home. 'When elided on theldtft she egret) of Slight' Weeklies! and ernlike to very flhert above ease betel' SO prohat curare must be employed in parihzipg spautiAtea to illtUre stoott.terult. M.Deems protksbly.
thee after luoculation with flie 'Akin or rabies a certafil organic rilWlthee is 'Mich rapidly produitales tolleata tia the nervous sy aim, and oni etinatlent or by ludieforutablea into Curarcatymito and paralyses for a tha gin lictVo. the bon, end attiring this pert erne et pn felon or tridisfeton lon'elledtti to is effeded. 11pm, oaamot be to. strongly recommended. Oxen la nothing to sago be and Ut i bbie case, at say riga, It ArtiocA A Vellode the Uoys Olege a fro wrilius to At bu at the cellosnlY4444o on IlYilrophiVn is sollitgi to esnte rata home tbe pa We mind ec 'whet duly to cWisatterltion tett'.
foitowing facts and' eoneidatatiebn ihe Datums Slremeemistet. a pleat iselonseut be lbw newest ender to Nye Ty ter et I rof LOW 'urislivak ittVirdoo4 cottlitry; indeed, ft is inoluded in our ruitiedaut phurodieo fts proOertiesare due trt Lqbap prtieeice lards, est hems keen thoroughly investigated. tb eeenable -Shone. Na a1aw1.q.40.441 In o'l4 though not hi defter. trout exeitiog profuse perigilrittioh, detrria would gather tend IS shuns.
at. Eras- it sudorific, this I.llmuld ow of your correpondents appears to the likelihood Of cfirthg hydrophobia. 'the hanittit be too geactulirreouguised that all.tha reesareet of the Matins -Wellies hare 104 slime beers Anted, and tried in this teetrible as Tbure evidence worth a jot to proves that, a siegle tale Tins ebdr been in nein be ill one of the -lower sonnets. nemeentedir starts ingo wkice every genre it sick' tate discredit even, befuse anutlyer is rey 1 0 4. tka las 4 of thew clannsuts Is tba Etta tit put Si le, plan ivihicb grows ibbudautly in finals, where brydropholitta is aldermen.
It was laieralacei teas 'ionise MI of Paris, by Wanyessla, el l'odulia, and excited. 'wine atteatiou from the Amnia c'L evid ag ence on its behalf. but 'caret eipetinteuts (made, believ et the Veterinary natio, Of KifortygOrei disniheid itraho where its tpredseersere lissisegettsa. The Wet coupe 04 the cord 'nosily 011 ths sulijeci AI ginine pews is tube our rem' or its essential nature and a edgy. We' sirgitobt thia than about any 'ether debintedenhle illeeiunh llama-she descringit i -nempielni tam rartiesiar Last is diSligared by laud st.ittimmis, The niti uotioa that, a patiwit with obis barks like dfid is' 01 a piece wills, the tirs thee batty pies lam, the calf stirs it teen inneisetedi syeterattliotinnulr np into the oetiettle ell Ace ordtPdt't tiett i luso yef 10 lie underwen can on ybe ant ll-anpertifed faborattutlike that of fbe 'Hroern I walla' it te swine remedy fur the is will, Si anneate, news it twilight of ipettinniC4 414.
dallaglit of erat science, and wilt thus conuibute, on the ode hand, to the regular adoption of adesistrea SW the ether Sts the relief of that daunts home which sheers hist, abet" nile ehnissh. sad which is reapugaibletkr woe dig Osiris attributed the Oilmen iter.4 Anothir cyrmpoirt wha etepwiltimialbe Wthh the epidetntc, says abonld As iseillpderstfiod that tbot best informed on the subject hate I abandoned the ide althat any drug or etirtii.hiatten of deer goaresee the Wee? of averting, WWII. lies er the thefts of frY e. raleo4 tn. th human subject lit4 rite prgatilo i rr 4 du tro tre mi 6 atzg.
mt remedies glees ee adeventlees. witch they do release caur rimiti i ti rg oo the teter paitts hrgroplitobla is 'always preempted by. ineeiaties. It is entre iheibleds. Yemeni WO 41 ilteirbest un stOJeet.
says' If a specks oaten no could le MO bid ems, dog 'as for eget the mould be annihilated in oar swam! Tab weed as intended to came in Uto lea in base bop opened between Invuhttion the detstopment of sae satdisease 'There sots tido ahem only one acknowledged ease in width' the mowed to the dog Whey the sevioth month ken As lalss: maths wawa, tbustors, pr It is expected that the piercing of the St. Gothard Tunnel will be completed in Fehraml. 1500 A lady at a Fulmer resort, whose unrulbehildren annoyed everybody is the hotel, one day mid teacher, sitting nest bar at the table Profeseor, de yen believe itt the use of the roil in the management of children The prolemor glared at her annoying childreu. and grimly replied. asonetlases madam; but there aro G.
63.1 I 'Wald prefer the revolver." The Skye correepondent of the North BritiA Nail draws attcution to the fact that one constable in that locality has a heat" fifty-five miles by thirty-Ave broad, aml containing 1.000 persons. The following invidenthappened in one of the public schools of a northern city Inane the word scholar means to hollow out," Tember a eentenee in which the word is properly mod." Scholar The baby excavates when it gets hart." Six years ago there were about a hundred applicants for the poet of head master of Reading School. lids year the of gentlemen who sent in their names as candidates for the same once way the BeriAirs Chruoick states, sixteen. It is tail there are of an i provement in th trate of Dundee, which has hero In a ery uneatia factory condition for some time. tine mill which hail bei stopped has beets reopened, and portions of worts which were closed have been M.
Gxmlnetta has lodge! an appeal against the judgment itelivered against him on the loth of last onth. eididenioing hint to Rot three A onths' imprisonment 311.1 at ies flue. The case will before the Court tally mat week. It is intended to brine the subject of taxation of direr plate before the chancellor of the Egehoiner at Mr Ws4cer lmmi, situ is the moving sphit WILLI: mane fur its repeal, that it is unjust to the silver mans factiders. and oppow sl to all art postress In silversaink a work.
The tar otr tut undoubtedly to he repealed, foe Ills the lest rentioolint tat mem iodudry, and. of lu Its wintry, it is mane ly coutrary to all the principles all oar addial iLIIII limp Wolverton was present at the annual meeting of the Shaftesbury Amicuitatal Society on bight, and at some length on sh of the war, crlticoast severely the 'whey of the Goveniment. Ile expressed bib confidence thdt in the long TIM Mast wit an said hosteer mach the might 11011111 tr the itallaidry the Turks, it coold not he denied thdt justice on the side ot Sidon. UM lordship's remarks way frequently biterrupted. The Esipiimang.
from the Greenland whale fishing, arrived In Dundee on Sunday. per estea fa 130 tom, whith Is coaridered very satbdindors. Reports from other vessels are general tar some of them, however, have truly metered from one- to two OM. The cotton spinners of Bolton, after being on strike for eight sulk inn ouday morning. During the dispute over 10,0.0 operatives have been idle, and in wage.
alone they have lost 610,000 during this period. The Soltan has taken an opportunity 0.1 informing the Its Kean Ambasuder that be Iva. at hug the lastituthois of laelgium, as he intended to devote himself to the imrovenseut lnternal Oahe of Tot key alias the war was 1 This declaration has been officially published in the 'I urkioh latigasite. The miners' strike at Dmnfiehl ('olliery whleh la lasted about Mid months, was witted on Wed. nes.lay.
The men came nut to resist 3 reiurtimi which was equal to twent ilire per most, and they reill3Wll work at a reduttiou of about ten per or threioanda-half sent more than was conceded by the district some few months ago. Nearly two hurdred men are employed at the colliery "In the course of a fortnight the 93n1 Highlanders will be shout 5,0 under Its eetalitislitid tot. The llome Gnards are becoming uneasy, and have urged that every exertion should be made to olitmumeraits. Aberdeenshire, Liana, and Kincardine, which constitute its sub-sliatriet ale however, perhaps the worst recruiting counties in threat Britain, le the high rate of and either it will be Coned necessary to enlarge the district, or to obtata and irialitueu to ell up the of two of the most national corps in the Army, the nod and 53rd Highlanders. From on "Medal report drawn up by Major-General 4y, President the Russian 011U1C11 of War.
It that only your soldiers have been sentenced to death for intlitory offences since the ant nr.hdisatkin hr September of last year. Fears are again entertained as to the safety of the dome of St. Peter Seine, as the assures anti Crafts it, tM upper part of the dome and its supports have much increasedcotnnilmion from the Russian Academy ot Fins Arts boos recently the dome. and it was found that shoot every part of the structure was more or lees cracked or disliaated. Bands of iron have been placed roUtid the dunes to previotts years and marble tablets dove.
tailed Into the cracks, bet eandiers of the latter have Wm Arnett or torn by the Manning of the fissures. A colliery accident at South Kirby, near tract, has caused the death of four meu sod serious injury to nee others. A number of men were i timed sinkitig a pit when the rope of an 111V1111i1 1 1 truck, full of stems, hrolie. and both truck and atones fell upon the men at the bottom of the pit a distance of about four hundred pada The rope had 'decisively been tested, and thought perfectly sale. Mr.
Baxter, 31. addreseed a meeting of his car diluents at Arbroath, on Nitaltiar evening. lie expressed himself in favour et the equalisat ion of the county nisi borough frau 'chi se, and was opposed to sup patched up alliance iwtwess the Literals and the Irish Ultramontaoe party. Reim Ingle the Kasten' Question, he condemned larkish athigoverm nient 1111 also the pinks of the Russohohista In Althou gh Russia was no match for Crest Itrltain she would settle matters very satisfactorily with Turkey Ile believed the war would result it. the freedom of Bulgaria between the Danube and the Balkans.
There were 2,474 births and 1.1119 deaths registered in London last week, the fornwr ha bore hopsod the liter shove the average numbers. deatncluded 14 front smallposel 7 from mends. Li from scarlet fever, 5 lent, diphtheria, 'Strom cough, fai front different of fever, and from diamhsva; thus to the seven principal dbewers of the mmottc class 241 deaths were referred, against 155, and 214 iti the three precedhsg weeks. It is pointed out by the that the dastas train plualions in London, which had bees 14 and eight Is area dug weeks, male he It leas week shod) plue in the Metropolitan Asylums Boa. pitamvark eve fispehmemweiligigge Mine of the fatal cases were certilled es (Winding toil desuribied as vaccinated), font as unvaccinated, and Bre were "not stated' in in wieseeattsa.
rho uuniber of IS die liesroosiiitaa Asylum whish hut been-111, 144 gad 1.54 at lha sad of the three preceding weeks, 'miler rose la 177 hat week. A letter iron states that on the 17th of September there're' a battle Initine Si hours near Mart between Kilta John of snubs and the Maur nts under Miro MenolelLi Ile bitter were completely defeated, losing ditillu tilled and. wounded, anti Imp priaoriers, The Cing, 111141 Wedei Ws troops during this ingagetnetit.wm slightly ha loss tieing 9,000 it is matobie bramesethat Wearies: was killed; by Mina, that he psi ei11e.7,005 men to a height. The Cliatrahin of the Greenock Provident Bank staged elsbagehedden mid mow had been lost as Miring the tuck-out ate Caytie" 4:14890 had beim spent ley th trade iambi the men out of of It is propuiel to fowl a As ab Diford, the mayor, fildemben, mla tlti, bakbig long telt a reproach that, being the llte of OM of Us snit ancient end Warm of the IMMervities of Barepe, it has been absolutely ---sawshisderidapiar scbeel available for the sous mine 12150115. A' erdisksor bps hot left 30,000 florins, the iaterest of Is tube awarded to the bailet-girle of the Neelotud theatre se a dowry every time one of them marrow at titte awes time Me boLaeried proviso to the ellecilitast the, theory Is Liot to be invested is any uuderatee i torus more than 71 per cent as, otherwise, Theatre to.m be left without a stogie lihilet-gfri.
'li Insulting ebaraCterletic colloqus' 'between two of t' Th e's retainers it iititherflindihire iras ov the her de', Se, tiehe Ho ISM hoer year lather, IslntA heneerbt 7 Aye dowdy: Mow estlel wee he, binAd Lbotatet 'He srmi senhety Sandy: Boot, Chat o' that. Mie Would ha been a hundred years, he hie even "-eleolit. .4 great. public demoestration took place at Birkenhead on Viemday is celebration of the Mo atatur oj the late Mr. John lOTA M.P„ which hat I wen erected no the east side of Hannon sOareleartiens.
The TIIttIOCTS of the various trade and lort In promistos, mid Mem wereebout Mood or 16,000 persons' The saes, IMO unveiled by toed Tollemithe of The Comisitbs at Mamoherter held a re, rtoir on Weduesday, when it was. reported that a utunlier of the piiners woo struck work on the la of May had re.umod work and WON were 'spec ed to Whitt. Aymbeatfoos have that him received from errand of the mike men as to whether their shop were or ri to them if they eow to work no the employers' terms rttnnbirr of Mei. union joiners sew it 'work for the associated employers is IPSO IWO- Aomording LI iateiggeii 4 reCeived from Suckered there appears to be little douht that the RAIMILDiaII lievtraimut he glad ed as done forrarelkoo lls war rom the seated war. It la said that if is team contligent will ceroinly be et ours sunamooed home "On seeing a list of prossotirias to the rank of General iza the Russian Army Disothei 4w, 1 was irreeleilhly reminded of the ensiles Made the Nauss Guide ntarkeintorg to at Anserien colonel assiinsced to him that the Emperat bad bees grersioarly peered to 'make me a poorrel." litefy Wm tide Mal, seteeted 'be hiii goad yea le Whiteadi AoSez.
the battle of Hadakol rhs. Watts Beredord, Way, and Bield, iimploywil seta the Stafford Bosse matte. WIPE. ware antiwar enPC on the AMA. The weeeded wars taken to the Bteiffurd GUM gooiest itosichnk, whoa tbey we under the dare of Mires, Mareitril, illeyd, The awe MAW elected lie Who weesded from the Geld.
is a leder weltala by the hen. secretary of Casket dmodatlon el Mader Builders if Loudon It 1 Mated that betweco 400 and 600 workmen ere wow oh War In to coon sad th. limiters ken dea. In coaaayeeace 4be depressed of the lialletat trades Ls Ante any number of mew at all trades ame endow to come this uountry at their own cost if mesh sin he now them throw the winter. TialOa Wededaday atbaer.
Forster. dietrihoted 4bs and arising out of the fhtford Local tualionstloos I London and Uwe IPertOUII4iTIS Ceutzes. la the mouse of the proceediella he 11 1111 01 to do fact that She number of girls who proem taeureeteee foe them endildrfa Gums Is lig dZ 41s' LoesdtheiTitt Vat: ort: oo we Me a desighter. of the lint Lord el Os IMO be drew sites. WIN el the melddie.elass wheels Sir thties sort the erzed awe aid to meet this posed tale dispArpeset inspection of eaboda under some Valet It would iset7b reift ono the ernotry set redly burgers grab veleder7 ham It Is reported frees Abovelett" that Ilia, Rwage Mao bad a etharee, and that the kidney of the Prhatem of Wales and her daughters, which was to have hen oath be day.
Let been omtponed in omesequeure. A valet sn the terries el the Prince of Wales kaa died of typhoid here at Abergelele Mace the arrival of their Royal Deeitde. Tuesday's Pell Rail Gazette. The needier of orders male In County (foirt tat nailer the of deo. rtod w.vcs, under Ihi c.
was IP-4. It is estimated that nearly acre of teed hare been destroyed by the ac isms in Aliessa, that tae amonnt of daosage La dins 000 rheliknell holders at the Patin following the faddists of the Philadelphisa fart year, 11111 All btlfo i. a 1.01••‘ on lb. it a ph01. in the booh lyiae was Arran.
The price of the wren Wit ill br 14 Pi in.e Apart John, of I Anaustenberg, to his mother, Pi in, es. Ito a team el the lathe llk I slassid like to he a hot tepliod v.e when yea an a you ill have to kat. sin whom you lute PO OW. Iltl OHMS 1116WCW1.41 Albert Jol I often at sold eir about with mules: TraZa. The ditundo Paifico states that the 23rd a I y.
n.aueday, is fast tok Ms re snag. 1rC1P1.4•06 Remotes Ten party of Greealmkiere extente.l at tl d'Aceliseartsta In Paris have now en is a Care. 1 oasis of a fondly of P.ololmaut-11.r. min. wentau, aid two Maude children lens -tire iy I I et hatths.
They firing with then SODA yeah. While beau 4 deep: dogs, and pommy, on the lawn en Mote ter "Ana were eareaipedh butts exactly amass to U. the I' nylons. A the W.tautiontcr poliomentirt, in the eve' 0. sae who had a by thee heard ter MIL los child was 1 la 4.
Yr. Midi" (the teamitretr the ace that the ethig 'sad I school wends assay Yes brioga Meer entleatne the to .3) the oluid, dissubstd the The tailedinoal Beard asked hot the bum. Bridge sald he should tad of this kind, for arsenic the poorer classes it woe'. make th. 4.111•01 hoard Wed.
eat of the enormous thr hassel Ilioand, a Platter ef is is. aearof th wield he el eery little cenatasenee. tin le. 111.1.1a.r lad lust two days to atte.diug "A pl.ta, is valet, of the theatre war, hap I emsta'sated Is the Gardru .4 the plaSee th. It.
steel by staff, el.ecly follows op. di-- his troapi awe, from thew n. orders 111111V.I.Wtenf of hie army It has been ivosarked thee tih ester. sleeyyss reach their destinaMarsi toe Ude. Yofhdlio.
Truth. A deruiptioe of the by the 1 elect,woes Weimar 1146ir nom re publielsee by the Masakeder Uwardinn, el 41.1 It winrdt appear, the esscened detasis b. the app.1•141114001 II hick exist as to are riowiosess The itelmas la not to neat att. mettta A ennfereace in eoaamtion wits of thiclond Temperance etadely waa brio easell'alhan Theatre. lindord, mid." the be nt the diocese, to eouaakr el.e thni-, of pares movement apes the note.
and ter4B Rh in spouted the proceadia.P. trio tlw of the etero3y WU to create a good, en which a suit pendants hit went. the drw-k a eat the el lest now that decent in'emperanhade, I which le am. lt :4 eme more preveuse. the Al Ch4tatlen of Inns alas addremed the Another Dail thing se the glare slipper, hers loreided by a lam in (so randy Pair, v.
Of the Kett possible glass to to s. sad will beteg se net to the Units at toe geed ans thadettlth A New York jeweller display .1 a of queer design. It Is a hand of dead geld, watts Oath deveated with Nags is work. hat. a apnea in tie Gasp when Savimide plays lose a hundred and thirty-eight jowl el politica: shmouor Aso published te slut the as.eint 51 use' ioo which they have heil te.
de peoit with the I a noes: represents Walla it, very nearly $ll6lO Timm Sir IL 'ryler, in presidiag at the half rearly lag of the Grand Tru. Railway et trilled to the feet that this yeses wird harvea an the United Mates was most alseedstit, sett out of its el 10 meus of buslitle it waa elpemad 03 it beetwis would souk over the Greed Tint eltoen lot omen Iteilend. At Madrid the etory of the dienvery of rolusuloss's remains its At. Is declared to be a boas, lea WWII se a haunt mina trots yeas enascornethem to 11. ea on, where they lie in the cathedral.
Tlite hue revolved let puma oi waste Wads in cuts to solther and tee: L. have suffered by the insorrectais ae4 to relehs hare aaismitted. They will occupy then. drat 'timid, tam and, if the hams ere then wall lin ill Om be declared the owuors, belay essandkit from tales yews. At a ineseing of the Liverpool Local Maine zed, Mr.
T. B. thallines. who presided, pr. r.
Wad a mum ohs it to Mr. Janaeses, mete et the anietup titympht ea betel' .1 the heard of Trade. to tel at hie services Is rescuing the crew of the 'anise at ma its Wigs, mai feted waterlogged, filensastrd, and a winint boats, on the VIA of thresher Is v. Awl there war a heavy sea when the Olympia fell ot with hoese erre, of We DOOM tit Iwo) were ree. not in tutor perilous eintroadances.
sw I a hem want of water iw several days mad he: then the day, after they acre Mud. al at bp rye Olympia, on I.ollllloiwidth they had men tom oils ea well as food The la uthe was hy ohm thaadersed At the distribution of prime in the Yds-omen os Yon lay WOK. Mr. mat, and strathoWd sesersce el t. tin leapt of the Me aloe referee.
to us. Watery ot the War al lath ard aro' Aran set le he too sangulere that the yrs. nt war writ Ye a esaanee. Weenie's dOrt0 0 hp vomiter political et the way, le should wile the Govenranot ut a Milk owe ma they permed a thAet nelltratity. Ow the elk of litiday, the fhltie intl 'AI ea Widish, eltee he.
ten Thong. Ifeeepelthestae. asor timi forny Owe, wale ran seer istoPlalled the itherter Wahl tram west bete a rionessed and Leach. at yel arm path Its. the clitle Icads anus.
the eel use the teeth heath st le. The American Impel, speak of a tellansalibithe speChleine Moroi to wed mmtenger to meth with awl adtmedeigueset of sothesilea to nein saw Illatitatta 6161 PAWN" it 11 1 riq tail flak I ti rinei iet et ti -1L art Mud the 11. 'M Kiev of Italy boa d. Mains iliejtts rem; ithotey. It to.leart tot.ttel rue heti Wes invent ebonite, at Utak, Ono by lietheriedadami." allisssts.
a wise the el Mine on blonde, eel taw, the recent C.ltoh apt that Um provinens of the 'I c. voletoo of retheriesh thr rid be thevirei thett saaat ant6010165.411116M 166 retior of the WWI fereeel, he enl Alpha alsorteshig: the leheep, In Itenthe omar-greeenthe sent Wash lad Is; iatheir Two r. Oa Wedatlf I P4lgir pt, el the in este henovera, et 17 SI LIM. which was densely crowded. The Mn.
as tater it. i ale volt. Oars twit .1 polthobaraeris Albs mouthy hod be earioeseel ser nay as plumlike mho" belMerale at i shth et 'lllateme 116 bad limited the n. Minn el ant re hare bed 711nIrti a li 3 Eh, MO. two hustles gesimatly scat gsol tie Anaheim ere, a hod bags shielliden a miter et the 11 410 where OW Mall WM WK.
op by the it er Pt' Pelutiais Irite pasimpl Infanta tO I Tito Wit sums, so eleme lawmen bawd. are he searelete tear snake ie tae. Canna Bevy. They what al hest, take their Teesone es heard the Are.aia, 116 Mel Talkhdreifsarel I may Ism a that Peary ell tru.tes (66.1 thperiewts Prister who hat aarall the Naval College tor Cann et Kiel, phi: tow- to all HS stair 'has two Wide 411 111 us teals tiA meat el the Lead talks raguithsona epplpieg 66 tent .116110 111 es AP II" at asethasial lay his governot, Captain how von i.e.., Des mete, all the intemandevis the iredmeniese tuiwr 'or, have to salute a Royal "-I ear imornlite at este el 4 lll two line Cede. The mathelt to he dein It apposes front size am rosti pow- to hen el that hnti debtors wen conitoe.t.
it be ere Veradlien of ossersl netetegere had haereennin ifiesitemi ANA mist ar ostputt Wen "try thartesse steed tat rah Ey to Mete question" The General Med to an .1 wrist the Pretest Plaice SIV Prishce, he was an AnseeKan, and as be had set studied Uri di; ntheUtiatry to welt novenae audt i 6l a pt sspoonmee. The henna eiso span et the cordial ed te slat in Lapland. Ihetria4s of letter Minn Lord IWihmei stvatitoo to I loptd Sat sellene le rehant its. to it it of teal lector he mine love 166616 but the 01616.6asare uI pubUr an a't and hes sedillernt health at Wet erhvincr him Galt 1 1, 04 tidy infossoiless tat le Impeeabla Sishaer therefore espantess dkia not to, los ke, ttiseht Ihatneo ettentece, sad rub the (Woe ell legs, ax shooed the sad proudest ee Ohne. is presiding its mesh leg et steeled that tie wee arty corn all wes ae tint tap 16611 teasel to theory as Is.
eu tlaar the i J. 1m as ne rawly hit el "blue sky 1, able Mann Ghee the oat. pro Moor bee berweet wenta aa portad ei the tetteel their rat Mao tovet.air do tun, of A 1 tined lie elle rie kroicuin.befure one f' the i ii caw repo wipe his own I hails' lion of a hixfy SS tile frein, by op. and havtit a teat his at 's Vine, hid itiadvdt Flien4 yuth that Was bermes owl and the re dui ritOutli of 11 on or 'and the wound 01.5 inid, stlepotein I believe he, eenterwea ft WV et efter ininY considerable On' he be ts, all the suffeities, hops or Width' tie mine He cononsled his sufferings, and conlii rofeseional livnuatioas, as Wiese uu he coultrecodct them no tni; tbet lils ate to brydrephobta I he, eleteed to siitielpate and ID his own way' by an act of feticide. Des 1 tlon In I vapour i ll he conceived 1 wore agreeable thigh dth by hydrephol wade 41 kitli I bath, heatad'hil Ocean Lill 1 Zathi weitini the ousil a the the i hie mlady it kerb i I disappeared, and be determined to live perspiration appeared to him to be the of his relief aid rebovety, sad when he Web l't en- he found that that 11l 111 only.